UkrSEPRO Certification. Ukrsepro Certificate of conformity.
UkrSEPRO Certificate is a document that confirms the conformity of production with all the requirements and standards in force in the territory of Ukraine.
The value of a formal Certificate UkrSEPRO can be likened to ISO9000 Certificate - with the difference that UkrSEPRO is Ukraine's internal Certificate and ISO9000 - Western Europe. UkrSEPRO Certificate is equivalent to the Russian GOST-R. Possession of the certificate determines the customs decision on transport of specific production. Even if customs for some reason do not pass up the production certified in Ukraine, then the production is, in fact, there is no chance to reach a legitimate distribution outlets (shops, malls, etc..), From now on everyone, with the exception of illegal distributors, requires Certificate UkrSEPRO .
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Ukraine Declaration UkrSEPRO, please contact us and discuss it with our experts.
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