1. Certificate GOST-R
  2. Declaration of Conformity GOST
  3. Fire Safety Certificate
  4. Railway Transport Certification
  1. Hygienic Certificate
  2. UKRSepro Certificate
  3. Declaration of Conformity Ukraine
  1. GOST-K Certificate
  1. Belgis Certificate
  1. New Technical Regulations and EAC Mark of Conformity for Machinery Exports to Russia, Kazakhstan or Belarus.
  2. Published a list of packages that are subject to the declaration of conformity.
  3. Customs Union:new restrictions in the technical requirements on food.
  4. Eurasian Economic Commission :The changes in the Goods Nomenclature for preparations for contact Senses.


GOST TR is issued to products of daily use, such as food, cosmetics, textiles, furniture, wallpaper, kitchen utensils, detergents and others. Also often certified are industrial products such as transformers, rail technology, electrical cables. Mandatory certification in Russia means to obtain a document certifying the quality of your products and to comply with the norms and standards of Russia. Norms, corresponding with the goods, are given in the contents of the certificate. GOST-R Certificate covers products of foreign companies as well as products of Russian companies. Products that subjected to mandatory certification are to ones tied to human safety and their property. Safety of the environment and the technical and information compatibility and replacement of machinery and equipment as a result of the need to maintain a level of control methods and labeling. With mandatory certification the manufacturer and the recipients are ensured that the product is safe and suitable for use.

Certification GOST-R for the series:

The certificate is issued to the company - the manufacturer. It’s validity ranges from one to three years, depending on the certification scheme. If necessary, the facility will be checked by our experts. Based on the protocol of the inspection of the facility and the results of laboratory tests, GOST-R certificate will be issued . The certificate will include only those articles that have been submitted for certification. GOST-R, unlike the ISO certificate is issued for a product (good), rather than the whole plant.

Certification GOST-R for a lot of goods:

The certificate consists of the data of the Russian customer, quantity and the name of the product in accordance with the agreement with the Russian company.


Voluntary certification in Russia is carried out by the manufacturer, exporter or vendor of the product to confirm that the product not only meets the requirements and standards of the Russian Federation, but also parameters given by the manufacturer. Products whose safety is not subject to any regulations in Russia may join the voluntary certification. Such certification is carried out in order to confirm compliance with various regulations and normative documents of technical nature. Voluntary certification is required by the wholesale customers in Russia along with the chain stores.
If you have any questions about certification GOST-R in Russia or if you have any confusion, please contact with our experts. Contact us
Russian State Registration cost
+48 515-089-294